Sunday, October 27, 2013

Random Pics from October (Part 1)

I just downloaded a bunch of pics from our camera, and I should probably try to organize them into separate blog posts, but this is more my speed right now! So here's some random pics from this month, with explanations, if necessary...

One Sunday per month, the Mbale church shares a meal together after morning worship. Normally, the dishes get washed at the home of the other missionary family (the Tuiningas), but this month, they didn't have water, so the dishes came to our house.

And were washed by these sweet girls, who even washed my dishes for me after they had washed all the ones from church :-).
This is our turkey that we are supposed to eat for Thanksgiving. Here's hoping we are actually able to "do the deed" when the time comes. We were told we had to buy him early to avoid holiday prices! A little different from the Butterball I purchased last year at Food Lion!
Here he is showing off :-)

Here's our pet bunny, Oreo, in a little "home" Josiah made for her.
A pic from our last visit to a village church. The lady next to me is wearing a gomesi, a traditional Ugandan dress. It is designed to make the wearer look fat, because fat is beautiful :-).

After the service, we were invited to the Pastor's house for lunch. As you can see, we drew an audience.
Here is the delicious meal they served us...all cooked on a fire.

Well, I still have a lot more pics to go, but I'm told that blog posts shouldn't get too long or people won't read them, so I'll save the rest for later this week!


  1. There are a lot of great pictures here. The kids especially Sarah liked the Bunny. We are all interested in your ability to kill and de feather a real Turkey. The kids in the window at your dinner cracked us up.

  2. I would read your blogposts if they were as long as A Tale of Two Cities. In my opinion, your blogposts aren't long enough...we can't get too much of 'seeing' you and reading about your life in Uganda. We miss you so much! What time is dinner on Thanksgiving?

  3. Blog posts are never too long when they are as interesting as Webers at Wanale. Continue to show "every day" stuff! Somehow, I don't think anyone would want to see MY sink of dirty dishes, but we're all fascinated by yours.
