Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Philly, Rhode Island, & Jamestown Wrap-up

I've been thinking a lot about goodbyes lately, as our family has been saying a lot of them, and we have more to come. Having to say farewell is quite miserable, and I long for the day I won't have to do it anymore:

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. -Revelation 21:4

But while we're here on earth, we must be separated from those we love. It hurts. Yet it also reminds me of the sweet blessing of friends and family - what a gift from the Lord!

Here are some pics from our "Goodbye Tour" over the last two weeks:

We started by visiting with Mark's family, who live outside of Philadelphia.

Here we are with our niece, Cassidy, and Mark's parents

Mark's fam held a going away party for us, providing an opportunity to fellowship with dear friends and family, some of whom we had not seen in many years.
Silas with his "Aunt Mimi"


We couldn't leave Philly without enjoying Mark's fav food - cheesesteaks :-)

After PA we headed on to Rhode Island to spend a few days with my brother, Todd, his wife, Jensy, and our newest niece, Kiran.

Next we headed to my hometown, Jamestown, NY for a visit with my dad and our family there.

They even took us to Midway Park!

1 comment:

  1. You are so beautiful! I can't even imagine how hard all these good byes are but the memories will help carry you all thru days when you are homesick. I didn't make it up to say good bye but I love you all & am praying for you!
