Thursday, August 29, 2013

Settling In (Kind of...)

We are almost through our first week in Africa. While our container is still in container jail, we are working to make our new home feel like home :-). Here are some pics from around the house this week. We have been out and about in town too, but I haven't taken my camera with me yet!

We are so thankful that the Lord has provided Jenna van Eyk to stay with us for 5 weeks and help us get settled here. Jenna's dad is the pastor of Providence OPC in Greensboro, NC. She had spent the summer teaching in Karamoja, Uganda, and agreed to extend her stay to help us. Thank you Jenna! Here she is making rolls with Levi and our neighbors Sam and Benjamin.

Our house here...

Our yard (don't look too close - you might see our underwear :-). We don't have a washer and dryer yet, so all our clothes must be washed by hand and hung to dry. Thankfully, there is a dear lady, Jane, who comes for 6 hours Monday-Friday and helps me with all the housework.

On the porch with Heidi...

We have an old, empty swimming pool in our yard. It has become a favorite spot to hang out. Here are the kids playing a game in it :-).
Although we haven't seen any snakes yet (I'm not complaining), the kids have caught lots of lizards. Gid asked me to post some lizard pics. So, for your viewing pleasure...

Lizard in one hand and Lizard's tail in the other hand

Hope you all have a blessed Thursday!!!


  1. How cool is that. Hope you all are settling in. We miss you, but what you are doing is wonderful. BB and Aidan loved seeing the lizard:-) Heather, Brianna and Aidan

  2. Ticket to Ride is one of my favorites! I love your porch and Heidi is SO cute! So happy to hear that things are going well, but we'll pray for your container to arrive very soon.
